Services & Rates

Massage Therapy

60-90 minutes: $75-$115

With over ten years of experience as a bodyworker, Jessica brings well-rounded service and recommendations to her massage clients. Massage therapy sessions are tailored to the client's unique needs and can include techniques such as Swedish, deep tissue, neuromuscular, myofascial, aromatherapy, and more.

In-Home Massage services begin at $75/hour.

Pricing: $75 per session, or six sessions for $396 (Yoga Therapy, TRE, Massage, and Coaching are interchangeable with package rate)

Continuing Education

Certificate, Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy (NCBTMB #283551-00), December 2022 (25 Hours)

Certificates, Various AMTA Continuing Education Courses (NCBTMB #024237-00), Online, August 2018 (7 Hours)

Certificate, Quick Self Fixes and Targeted Muscle Testing, Dr. Camden Clay (NCBTMB #830), Atlanta, GA, June 2016 (12 Hours)

Certificate, Thai Massage on the Table, Dr. Camden Clay (NCBTMB #830), Atlanta, GA, April 2016 (12 Hours)


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Tension & Trauma Release (TRE®)

90 minutes: $75

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®) is a simple series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. TRE is a body based (somatic) process which does not require “revisiting the story” (ie: verbally describing or talking about the traumatic experience).

Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe environment, the body is encouraged to return to a state of balance. TRE is designed to be a self-help tool that once learned, can be used as needed, throughout one’s life, thereby continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wholeness. Regular practice of TRE may lead to increased resiliency and better autonomic nervous system regulation.

Follow-up is not always recommended for TRE, but any subsequent sessions will be 60 minutes. 

(modified from TRE’s website, visit for more details)

Pricing: $75 per session, or six sessions for $396 (Yoga Therapy, TRE, Massage, and Coaching are interchangeable with package rate)

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TRE Workshops

2-2.5 hours: $25-$35

This in-depth intro class covers Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®). These simple exercises can assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma. TRE is a body based (somatic) process which does not require “revisiting the story” (ie: verbally describing or talking about the traumatic experience). 

Created by Dr. David Berceli, TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking or vibrating mechanism is activated, the body is encouraged to return to a state of balance. TRE is designed to be a self-help tool that once learned, can be used as needed, throughout one's life supporting personal health and wholeness. Regular practice of TRE may lead to increased resiliency and better autonomic nervous system regulation.

TRE Workshops are available as a semi-private service of 4-10 people who want a group experience as opposed to private sessions. A minimum of four is required and pricing starts at $35 per person. For 7 or more, these can be offered at $25 per person. These workshops also work great at studios and can be promoted to the public. Pricing for workshops open to the public is $35 per person. 

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Yoga Therapy

90 minutes: $75

Yoga therapy sessions provide a personalized yoga practice for those with specific therapeutic goals. An assessment is completed and instruction on custom poses and breath work is given. Detailed instructions for at-home practice via Tummee is included and will be provided after the initial appointment (see adjacent image). Follow-up is typically recommended as yoga therapy is best done in stages.

Follow-up yoga therapy sessions take the clients practice to the next stage to accomplish their goals. Additional questions are answered, new considerations included, new breath work given and when applicable, the next level of difficulty added.

Clients should wear comfortable clothing in which they have full range of motion. Sessions are available online or in person.

Pricing: $75 per session, or six sessions for $396 (Yoga Therapy, TRE, Massage, and Coaching are interchangeable with package rate)

"Yoga therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals or small groups." For more information on the scope of yoga therapy visit

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Private Yoga Class

60 minutes: $55

Private yoga sessions can be a great opportunity to deepen your practice by working with an experienced teacher one-on-one. These one-hour sessions can be tailored to meet your unique needs and goals for your yoga practice. You can expect a high-quality practice with individualized attention each session. Sessions are available online or in person. 

Pricing: $55 per session or as a package of 5 sessions for $250

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Wellness Coaching

60 minutes: $75

Lasting change takes mindset work. The same old patterns can keep us stuck even when we know we want to change. If you feel like change is too difficult, coaching might be the best option to help you reach your goals. Coaching can help distinguish between beliefs that are no longer helping you reach your desired outcomes and may help you generate new systems so you can have a different experience.

In other words, coaching makes change easy. Instead of focusing on the “shoulds” or on behavior modification, coaching helps change the programming that is keeping you stuck. Coaching can help you see new possibilities so you can step into and maintain your goals with ease.

Coaching is available online or in person.

Pricing: $75 per session, or six sessions for $396 (Yoga Therapy, TRE, Massage, and Coaching are interchangeable with package rate)

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